
International Primal Association Resources

PRIMAL RESOURCES James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Alienation of AffectionPsychology Today, December 1979 (last modified 2003/11/11).A very short summary of Dr. Prescott’s research for those who have little time James W.Prescott, Ph.D. (2003). Our Two Cultural Brains: Neurointegrative and Neurodissociative that are formed by Pain and Pleasure Life Experiences encoded in the Developing Brain. Click HERE Prescott, J.W. (2010) Statistical graphs showing the high correlations between infant/child mortality and homicide for the Fifty States and for the years 1930-1968. Here (PDF) Prescott J.W. (2010) A 2004 Map by the Center For Disease Control On Breastfeeding with a superimposition of Infant Mortality data for the Year 2004 with the principle findings by this author. 90% (9/10) States With Less Than 15% of Children Breastfeeding At 12 Months Have Highest Infant Mortality Rates 83% (10/12) States With Greater Than 25% of Children Breastfeeding At 12 Months Have Lowest Infant Mortality Rates Breastfeeding Bonding prevents infant mortality and future violence. INFANT/CHILD HOMICIDE, BREASTFEEDING BONDING AND PARENTAL CARE http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/eletters/126/3/592 Click HERE For CDC BREASTFEEDING MAP AND HERE FOR STATE RANKS INFANT MORTALITY http://www.violence.de/archive.shtml#infantmortality-homicide-suicide-breastfeeding James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (2009). A Consolidation of Statistical Tables that summarize the statistical relationships and the naming of tribal cultures which …

Richard Newcomb asked In his review of The Goodness Paradox: The Strange Relationship Between Virtue and Violence in Human Evolution,” by Harvard anthropologist Richard Wrangham “How,” he asks, “could our domesticated qualities and our capacity for terrible violence be reconciled?”  https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/humans-evolved-to-be-peaceful-why-are-we-still-so-violent/2019/01/25/05571f80-1040-11e9-84fc-d58c33d6c8c7_story.html?utm_term=.c016516c1311  (Human Evolution, WP 1.27.19) Wrangham who seeks an answer, states  “while bonobos are relatively peaceful creatures, chimpanzees exhibit no scruples about killing friends, lovers and even infants. In this way, Wrangham argues, chimpanzees and bonobos demonstrate the violence and peacefulness that coexist in humans.  Frans De Waal & Frans Lanting (1997). BONOBO. THE FORGOTTEN APE.  University of California Press. Berkeley, Los Angeles London 202 pp provides the answer: “Had bonobos been known earlier, reconstruction of human evolution might have emphasized sexual relations, equality between males and females, and the origin of the family, instead of war, hunting, tool technology, and other masculine fortes. Bonobo society seems ruled by the “Make Love, Not War” slogan of the 1960s rather than the myth of a bloodthirsty killer ape that has dominated textbooks for at least three decades” (p.2).  “Physical violence almost never occurs in bonobos, yet is common in chimpanzees (p.9)  The picture emerging from Wamba, then, is one of a female-centered society; in which even …

TWO CULTURAL BRAINS is a synthesis of SSAD Theory that describes the dominant role that PAIN and PLEASURE have in shaping the developing brain. THE FIRST BRAIN in evolution: The sub-cortical emotional-social sexual brain that is shaped primarily by the Matrilineal Cultures (Pleasure); and the SECOND BRAIN in evolution: the neocortical rational symbolic brain that is shaped primarily by the Patrilineal Cultures (Pain) which forms the Gender Equality Equation that exist throughout the World Cultures. The philosophical roots of these two dimensions of life are listed under the Theistic and the Earth Religions. http://www.violence.de/prescott/letters/Two_Cultural_Brains.pdf There are 55 Exclusively Matrilineal Cultures and 150 Exclusively Patrilineal Cultures in the 400 Culture sample of Textor (1967). R. B. Textor, A Cross-Cultural Summary (New Haven, Conn.: Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) Press, 1967). Exclusively Matrilineal Cultures are extinct in modern human cultures. Patrilineal/Patriarchal Cultures dominate many cultures of the modern world. Prescott, J. (1989). Social-Behavioral Characteristics of Affectionate/Nurturant and Non-Affectionate/Non-Nurturant Primitive Cultures. Truthseeker July/August Supplement                 http://www.violence.de/prescott/letters/Profiles_Peaceful_v_Violent.pdf Transforming violent cultures into peaceful cultures is not possible, without neutralizing Patrilineal/Patriarchal cultures and restoring Matrifocal cultures, as human history has informed us. The Moral Dimensions of Gender was provided by Pythagoras: “There is a good principle …

Maternal neglect has been with us for a long time, officially since 1928 with the publication of John B. Watson’s book Psychological Care of Infant and Child, the most nefarious psychologist of the 20th Century; and the reminder by John Bowlby with his 1951 publication in the WHO Report: Maternal Care and Mental Health, a landmark publication that is tragically ignored to this day. There is, today, an indifference and hostility to Motherhood that interprets aberrant behavior in children as “normal” and not the consequence of failure of Maternal Care. This reality is illustrated in PARENTING ADVICE. THE WASHINGTON POST  8.18.16 Meghan Leahy   meghan@mlparentcoach.com Head banging in one year old.  My almost 1-year old daughter seems to bang her head on purpose a lot…She should grow out of it, but keep an eye out for other sensory stuff (Again, see the doc)… And, as far as I know this is pretty normal.  meghan@mlparentcoach.com The wrongful advice on Parenting still exists in 2016. This pathological behavior has been well documented in the scientific and professional literature summarized in this communication. Head banging is not normal behavior and should be seen by a pediatric neurologist and a developmental neuropsychologist specializing in brain-behavioral …

VIOLENCE AND WOMEN’S HEALTH Science 16 October 2015 http://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6258/257.full?utm_campaign=email-sci-toc&et_rid=17133896&et_cid=5032 Distressingly, violence on campuses is part of a larger epidemic of sexual violence in the United States, making it a major women’s issue. Tragically, we are again reminded of the Violence against Women and her Children that goes well beyond the U.S. borders.  Sexual violence is a world-wide problem that calls for world-wide solutions. The failure of gender equality world-wide has its roots in the earliest pages of human history and requires a radical transformation of human cultures that has given birth to gender inequality.  From Ancient Greece to the Abrahamic Religions, violence reigned and triumphed over affectional relationships.  http://www.violence.de/prescott/dvd/Gibbon2012.pdf In December 1979, this writer published an essay Alienation of Affection in Psychology Today where I stated: The possible lesson for modern countries is clear. We seem to be suffering from breakdowns in affectional bonds — reflected in everything from rates of divorce to sexual crimes, alcoholism, and drug abuse. Culture is that handmaiden of our neurobiology, and without a proper environment for physical affection, a peaceful, harmonious society may not be possible. In April 1975, I published an essay, Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence in The Futurist that …

James W. Prescott, Ph.D. THOSE WHO CANNOT REMEMBER THE PAST ARE CONDEMNED TO REPEAT IT George Santayana The Life of Reason (1905)  The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) ON 30 MARCH 2015, the NICHD provided a public press release that described an intervention to teach mothers of preterm infants how to interact with their babies more effectively, which resulted in better weight gain and growth for the infants, a study funded in part by the National Institutes of Health. Maternal interaction improves growth, weight gain in preemies http://www.nih.gov/news/health/mar2015/nichd-30.htm This 2015  NICHD study affirmed the findings of Dr. Mary Neal in 1967 that MOVING Bassinets in the ICU, provided compenssatory vital vestibular stimulation that was drastically reduced in the premature developing infant. This led to improved neuromaturation and health status, which resulted in early release from the hospital. This study was featured in the Time Life documentary Rock a Bye Bay that was premiered as the 1970 White House Conference on Children. https://ttfuture.org/academy/james-w-prescott/overview Neal, M. (1967). Vestibular stimulation and developmental behavior in the small premature infant. Nursing Research Report 3:1-4. A subsequent study (2015) showed that infants who had the benefit of a major …